Hounslow-Ramallah Twinning Association

A Unique Link that Welcomes New Participation

Hounslow-Ramallah Twinning Association

Hounslow and Ramallah have been officially twinned since 1988. Hounslow-Ramallah is the only twinning link with a Palestinian town or city in the whole of England to have been officially constituted at Local Authority level.

The ‘Hounslow-Ramallah Twinning Association’ was set up to revive and represent this unique link with the aim of promoting and fostering the development of friendship and understanding between the two communities, particularly through educational, cultural and recreational exchanges.

With encouragement from a number of local schools and community organisations, the Association managed to secure formal recognition and an official revival of the twinning link at a full Council meeting in December 2010. The HRTA Committee now includes two Local Authority Councillors, and quarterly meetings are held at the Civic Centre. The website can be found at www.hounslow-ramallah.org .

Current projects include helping secondary schools in the Borough to find a partner school with the help of HRTA’s counterparts in Ramallah Municipality; a football exchange project with Brentford FC; and a short film project called ‘Postcard from Hounslow’.

For more information or to join the Association, e-mail Aun Qurashi, secretary@hounslow-ramallah.org

The Association will hold its next committee meeting, which is its AGM, on Friday 7th October at the Civic Center. Members and non-members are welcome to attend as observers.

September 29, 2011